This 1923 map, a one-off creation, is approximately 3 metres wide by 3.5 metres tall, and has the signature of the Surveyor General, Theo (Theodore) E. Day, who was appointed in 1921. The map is a good example of the cartographer’s art around the 1920s. It includes the routes of 28 explorers from Charles Sturt 1823 to Frank Rees George 1904 as well as Surveyed Lands, Pastoral Leases, Artesian basins and Goyder’s Line of rainfall etc.
830 atc 1923 - hanging behind Librarian desks
References to this magnificent map and it's provenance have been reported in the Society's journal;
In addition, the Main Government Forest Areas are shown and some of the reserved areas. "
© The Royal Geographical Society of South Australia