Level 3 Mortlock Wing State Library of South Australia North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000


The Society is governed by its council assisted by several sub-committees.  Members are encouraged to become involved in all of the Society's activities including its governance.


The Society is governed by an elected Council. The Society’s business is managed by a series of Committees responsible to the Council (Publications, Library, Geographical Heritage (not currently active – formed as required), Research and Awards, Program and Administration). The Society is fortunate to have as joint Patrons; Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia, and Mr Rod Bunten.  Councillors are expected to observe a Code of Conduct.

The Society's Annual Report for 2023-24 can be viewed here.  Printed copies will be available at the Annual General Meeting on 23 October, or by request made to admin@rgssa.org.au

The Society’s rules set out the purpose of the Council as being to:

‘…govern, manage and control the affairs, business, assets and funds of the Society and shall direct, prescribe, or transact, as it may deem necessary or useful, all such acts, matters, business and things for the purpose of the Society, and either at meetings of the Council or otherwise, as it may decide. Without limiting the amplitude of the authority and powers of the Council, it is expressly provided that it shall have full power concerning all publications of the Society and the employment and amount of remuneration of any suitable persons.’

To find out more about where the Society is heading and how it hopes to get there, view the Strategic Plan endorsed by Council in June 2021.

Office Bearers & Councillors

Leigh Radford OAM

Leigh Radford OAM


Professor Guy Robinson

Professor Guy Robinson


Dr Julia Short

Dr Julia Short


Tony Merchant

Tony Merchant

Treasurer – Tony Merchant

Rod Shearing OAM

Rod Shearing OAM

Immediate Past President

Melissa Gibbs

Melissa Gibbs


Frances Gnodtke

Frances Gnodtke


Dr Andrew Lothian

Dr Andrew Lothian


Dr Matthew W Rofe

Dr Matthew W Rofe


Joc Schmiechen

Joc Schmiechen


Rob Shepherd

Rob Shepherd


Dr Gerti Szili

Dr Gerti Szili


Nona Verco

Nona Verco


Dr Md Younus

Dr Md Younus
