Level 3 Mortlock Wing State Library of South Australia North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000


From time to time the Society holds displays and exhibitions to highlight treasures within its collection. 

Experience. Geography. Together.TM


Listed below, with links to the detailed pages, are some of the exhibitions where materials have been retained in a digital format.
RGSSA Exhibition 2023
RGSSA Exhibition 2023
Charles Todd exhibition 2022 BL
Charles Todd exhibition 2022 BL
Overland Telegraph Line
Overland Telegraph Line
Cook – his achievements 1758-1779 (Planned for 2020; to be held April-May 2021)
Cook – his achievements 1758-1779 (Planned for 2020; to be held April-May 2021)
Antarctic Exploration Book List (2019)
Antarctic Exploration Book List (2019)
Birds – History Exhibition (2019)
Birds – History Exhibition (2019)
Our Island Neighbours (2018)
Our Island Neighbours (2018)
Images of the World – from Roman times to the digital age (2017)
Images of the World – from Roman times to the digital age (2017)
Globalising Australia (2016)
Globalising Australia (2016)
Discovering Asia (2015)
Discovering Asia (2015)
Out of Africa (2014)
Out of Africa (2014)
Simpson Desert Survey 1963 (2013)
Simpson Desert Survey 1963 (2013)
“Treasures” Exhibition1978 (1978)
“Treasures” Exhibition1978 (1978)
Exhib2013aAfghanistan – a Colonial Exposure and Australia’s Immigration Links from 1859 (2013)
Exhib2013aAfghanistan – a Colonial Exposure and Australia’s Immigration Links from 1859 (2013)
Images of Aboriginal Australians 1773 – 1901 (2011)
Images of Aboriginal Australians 1773 – 1901 (2011)
South Australia in Maps 1658-1996 (2010)
South Australia in Maps 1658-1996 (2010)
Queen Victoria’s Empire: Illustrated Books (2009)
Queen Victoria’s Empire: Illustrated Books (2009)
York Gate Library Centenary Exhibition Catalogue (Terra Cognita) (2008)
York Gate Library Centenary Exhibition Catalogue (Terra Cognita) (2008)
RGSSA Beautiful Landscapes
RGSSA Beautiful Landscapes