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South Australian Geographical Journal

The Society’s Journal carries refereed research papers and other articles relating to the geography of South Australia and its immediate vicinity. In 1987 the PROCEEDINGS became the SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL. In 2018 the journal was published online for the first time. A few previous issues are available online.

The journal remains committed to its goals which are to;

  • contribute theoretical, conceptual and/or empirical interventions to the advancement of both geography and ideas pertaining to ‘public relevance’,
  • to stimulate and shape public and policy-orientated agendas across human and physical geography, and
  • evaluate how and why geographical knowledge is used to influence and underpin local and national policies.

In particular, the online version now enables us to communicate ‘cutting-edge’ research in an accessible manner. In a world that is beset by wicked problems on a hitherto unprecedented scale, the explorations and types of interdisciplinary research and insights that only a discipline like geography can offer, reminds us that geography, now more than ever, matters.

Electronic submission as Word documents is encouraged. Please email manuscripts to Dr Gerti Szili gerti.szili@flinders.edu.au

The most recent Volumes of the South Australian Geographical Journal 114 (2018) and 115 (2019) are now available via here.