Level 3 Mortlock Wing State Library of South Australia North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000

Our purpose

Public Awareness

Advance public awareness of, and interest in, geography and related disciplines, including environmental issues

Geographical Science

Encourage research and scholarship in geography


Recognise and reward achievements in geography


Commemorate past achievements of significance to geography

The Society is custodian of an extensive library of antique, rare and current books and maps. Many are featured in our Treasures. Amongst its various activities the Society organises lectures on topical issues, publishes a scholarly journal, recognises contributions to geography through an active awards program, and convenes an active field activities program.

The RGSSA welcomes professional geographers, geography graduates, and all those with an enthusiasm for geography, travel and exploration to join.

Experience. Geography. Together.TM

Quick Links

Sharing our unique historical perspective to a digital age; through the pages of the RGSSA's rare collection of books, maps, photographs, artworks and historical relics

RGSSA Library

The RGSSA Library contains over 25,000 volumes and is one of the most significant collections of rare geographical books and manuscripts in Australia.

Awards & Research

The Society supports a number of awards and prizes to promote geographical education and research, and to recognise members’ efforts. 

Upcoming Lectures & Events


20 February 2025 | 5:30 pm

Monthly Lecture

Update on Timor Leste 5 years on

An update on the lecture presented in September 2020: ‘Youth & Well Being in Timor Leste: Opportunities & Challenges for the Nation Building Process'


22 February 2025 | 3:00 pm


Cruises - The Good, The Bad and The ...!

Many RGSSA members have been on cruises, or would like to go on one.  This discussion session is designed to bring out the good points of cruises, as well as the negatives. 

Freycinet 5

27 March 2025 | 5:30 pm

Monthly Lecture

French exploration in South Australia

Could Australia ever have been French? For this talk, Danielle will narrate a richly illustrated documentary film exploring the role French exploration played in Australia's colonial history.

Col Light Dumpy Level

10 April 2025 | 5:30 pm

Monthly Lecture

How High am I? The history of the Australian Height Datum

Understanding your elevation is integral to many decision-making processes; from determining a safe development threshold to avoid flood risk, for monitoring sea-levels, through to making sure sewers flow downhill as designed. But have you ever wondered how a vertical datum is defined and how you then establish this for a country that is also a continent? 

Samuel Pepys cropped

29 May 2025 | 10:30 am

Rare Books Group

1660s Diary of Samuel Pepys

The talk will cover topics  including the Coronation of Charles II, the Black Plague and the Great Fire of  London.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

Treasures team

24 July 2025 | 10:30 am

Rare Books Group

RGSSA Treasures Project: looking back, looking forward

When the Treasures Project was conceived, it was planned to identify 100 treasures, but the Society has so many more to offer ...

Photo: Hugh Orr (manager & main author), Robert Dettman (photographer), Melissa Gibbs (web)