Level 3 Mortlock Wing State Library of South Australia North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000

Education Committee

This Committee was established in November 2022 to support geographical education at all levels, to co-ordinate the Society's program of awards for schools and universities, and to liaise with relevant groups both within and outside the Society.

The Education Committee will fulfill the Society's purposes by;

  • supporting and advocating for geography in schools, the tertiary sector, and adult education;

  • serving as an effective communications link between RGSSA and relevant educational organisations (e.g. Geography Teachers’ Association of South Australia [GTASA]; Australian Geography Teachers Association [AGTA]; SACE Board) and universities;

  • engaging where appropriate with GTASA (and AGTA) and other relevant organisations on matters such as contributions to curriculum and teacher professional development;

  • co-ordinating the Society’s program of awards for school and university students and awards for Aboriginal education programs in geography;

  • collaborating with the Research, Publications and Awards Committee (RPAC) in matters of mutual interest such as publications for schools;

  • convening an annual SA Honours/Postgraduate conference for students of geography and cognate disciplines; and

  • advising Council on matters of contemporary geographical education.

  • Rob Shepherd (Chair)
  • Jodie George
  • Iain Hay
  • Alaric Maude
  • Malcolm McInerny
  • Simon Miller
  • Leigh Radford
  • Susan Robinson
  • Susanne Schech