Level 3 Mortlock Wing State Library of South Australia North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000
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Rare Books Group

A Clash of Empires: 19th Century Sino-British Interactions

Presented by Roger Irvine

A look at the conflicts between China and Britain in the 19th Century through the context of relevant books in the Society’s collection from the period.

The interval between Lord Macartney’s Embassy to the Emperor of China in 1793 and the so-called Boxer Rebellion in 1900 saw a number of major conflicts between the empires of Great Britain and China, notably the First and Second Opium Wars. These clashes, in which Britain and the other western powers were invariably the victors, have had lasting major consequences – including laying the foundation for the vigorous resurgence of an assertive form of modern Chinese nationalism. In this talk Roger Irvine, a member of RGSSA, will discuss these events in the context of a survey of relevant books in the Society’s collection, which were published during this period and add a depth of perspective not readily available elsewhere.

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Date and Time

25 November 2022
10:30 am

Institute Room at the North Terrace entrance to the Institute building.

Members: $FREE
Non members: $10