Level 3 Mortlock Wing State Library of South Australia North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000
Lapidge 2

Monthly Lecture

Food Waste - progress on ending food waste and food insecurity

Dr Steven Lapidge

End Food Waste Australia is committed to creating a more productive, sustainable, and resilient Australian food system by ending food waste and food insecurity. This presentation will outline how.

Facts about food waste

One third of all food in Australia is wasted. We produce enough food to feed 75 million people, yet one in five Australians go hungry regularly. Australia wastes 7.6 million tonnes of food a year, enough to fill the Melbourne Cricket Ground ten times over, 70%
of which is edible. When we waste food we waste all the energy, water, land and fuel used to produce and distribute it. Wasted food rots in landfill and emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
Food waste costs the Australian economy $36.6 billion a year. Food wasted at home costs households up to $2,500 a year, or $50 a week. End Food Waste Australia aims to improve food system productivity, resilience and sustainability through developing action plans, prevent food waste, donate surplus food and transform the food system. The organisation has grown into one of the world’s largest public private partnerships solely dedicated to ending food waste and food insecurity and involves over 100 industry, government and university partners.

Dr Steve Lapidge is the founder and CEO of End Food Waste, Australia, formerly the Fight Food Waste CRC. He spoke to the RGSSA several years ago and this is a follow on and update on his work. He has represented Australia at G20, OECD and national food waste forums. In 2010 he was awarded the prestigious Fulbright Professional Business/Industry (Coral Sea) Scholarship.

Date and Time

15 August 2024
5:30 pm

Hetzel Lecture Theatre, Institute Building, SLSA North Terrace Adelaide

Members: $Gold coin
Non members: $10

Drinks and nibbles available from 5:00 pm