Level 3 Mortlock Wing State Library of South Australia North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000
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GeoNext - Inaugural Meeting

Royal Geographical Society SA

Are you one of South Australia’s next generation of geographers? If so, we wish to extend an invitation to you to attend the inaugural GeoNext meeting. GeoNext is an RGSSA initiative designed to connect and empower young professionals and students in South Australia's vibrant geographical and related fields.

Aims of GeoNext
 It aims to:
  • Build a supportive community of/for young  geographers and early career professionals in South Australia.
  • Build capacity amongst members by providing opportunities for professional development, networking, and mentorship, equipping GeoNextmembers with skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen careers.
  • Enhance the visibility and impact of young geographers within the RGSSA and broader community.
  • Boost the visibility and appeal of the RGSSA amongst young and early career geographers.
  • Better connect future geographers with more established and senior members of the South Australian geographical community.
  • Stimulate interest in geographical research and practice among young and early career geographers.
  • Contribute to the RGSSA’s mission of promoting geographical knowledge and understanding.
 Inaugural Meeting Date, Time and Venue
 If you would like to join South Australia’s next generation of geographers we invite you to attend the inaugural GeoNext meeting: 
  • Date: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025
  • Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Location: University of Adelaide, Napier Building Room G.53
 Meeting Ambitions
 At this meeting, we will:
  • discuss GeoNext's key goals and objectives;
  • form a dynamic Steering Committee to guide the initiative;
  • brainstorm exciting activities and events to engage the community; and
  • most importantly, connect with fellow young professionals and students passionate about geography.
This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the future of geography in South Australia. We encourage you to spread the word to your ‘next generation’ colleagues, family, and to join us!
We look forward to seeing you.


Date and Time

18 February 2025
1:00 pm

 University of Adelaide, Napier Building Room G.53

Members: $FREE
Non members: $

The meeting will be held from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm