Come and see the picturesque images of the River Thames in England in our books from the 1790s onwards.
Note change of venue: Circulating Library room at the front (North Terrace side) of the Institute Building
Boydell published in 1790 a two volume History of the Thames with magnificent drawings of the river and the localities to be seen from it. In 1840 Tombleson created a wonderful strip map of the Thames from its beginning near Cirencester to where it meets the sea. Another absolute gem is a Dictionary of the Thames written in 1890 by none other than the celebrated author Charles Dickens. He includes details such as the cost of a trip between various points on the river, and also how to buy a licence to operate such a boat on the river, as well as maps and information on many towns along its banks.
This is the basis on which the presentation will unfold.
22 August 2024
10:30 am
Members: $gold coin Non members: $5
© The Royal Geographical Society of South Australia