This award is for members of RGSSA who have made significant contributions to advancing the objects of the Society.
This award is for members of RGSSA who have made significant contributions to advancing the objects of the Society, namely to:
The definition of contribution is to be interpreted broadly and to include outstanding geography teaching and mentoring; innovative administration in academe, government, and industry; novel and sustained research; and outreach that communicates the importance and value of geography to the public. The definition of significant is exceptional and sustained, to denote that this is an extraordinary honour reserved for a limited number of members of the RGSSA who exhibit conspicuous merit. A Fellowship is the RGSSA’s peak award to members for contributions to the objects of the Society.
Fellows receive a certificate and citation and will continue to pay membership fees unless also awarded Life Membership. Awardees are recognized at a special event of the Society, such as the Society’s Annual Dinner. They are also acknowledged in GeoNews, the member’s newsletter, as well as on the Society’s website and through other relevant media. Fellows are entitled to use the postnominal FRGSSA.
Nominations from individual members are welcome and Fellows may also be proposed by the Committee charged with managing the Society’s awards. Self-nominations are acceptable. Nominations must comprise a nominating letter of fewer than two pages and, if possible, the candidate’s CV (no more than 6 pages). The letter should clearly address the significant contribution of the nominee, who must be a member in good financial standing, of the RGSSA. Nominations must be accompanied by the signatures of two proposing financial members and seconded by a further two financial members. Calls for nominations should be made no later than 1 June. Nominations must be submitted to the Chair of the Awards Committee by 31 July each year. All nominations are evaluated by the Committee charged with managing the Society’s awards with their recommendation being put to the Council for consideration. Subject to Council recommendation Fellows must then be elected at a General Meeting of the Society.”
© The Royal Geographical Society of South Australia