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Life Membership of the RGSSA

This award is for members of the RGSSA who have held 50 years of continuous membership of the Society.

For what and to whom is this award given?

This award is for members of the RGSSA who have held 50 years of continuous membership of the Society.

How are awardees acknowledged?

Awardees receive a certificate, are recognized at a special event of the Society, such as the Society’s Annual Dinner. They are also acknowledged in GeoNews, the member’s newsletter, as well as on the Society’s website and through other relevant media. Life Members are exempt from payment of an annual subscription. Life Members have the rights and privileges of Ordinary Members. Life Members are entitled to use the postnominal MRGSSA (Life).

How are awardees selected?

Candidates for this award are identified administratively. The RGSSA membership officer advises the Committee charged with managing the Society’s awards and Council of prospective recipients.

Award Recipients