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The John Lewis Medal for Excellence in Secondary School Geography

The John Lewis Medal for Excellence in Secondary School Geography shall be awarded each year to the student obtaining the highest marks in SACE Stage 2 Geography.

(Formerly known as John Lewis Bronze Medal)

For what and to whom is this award given?

The John Lewis Medal for Excellence in Secondary School Geography shall be awarded each year to the student obtaining the highest marks in SACE Stage 2 Geography. Should there be more than one student with highest mark, several awards many be made. The John Lewis Medal for High School Geography was established in memory of the late the Hon. John Lewis M.L.C. J.P. (1842 – 1923) who was a former President of the Society.

How are awardees acknowledged?

Awardees receive a medal and a certificate and three years of membership of the Society. They are recognized at a special event of the Society, such as the Annual Awards Ceremony typically held in Government House – and hosted by the Governor – or the Society’s Annual Dinner. They are also acknowledged in GeoNews, the member’s newsletter, as well as on the Society’s website and through other relevant media.

How are awardees selected?

On behalf of Council, the RGSSA administration shall correspond annually with the SACE seeking their nomination for the award of The John Lewis Medal for Excellence in High School Geography.

Award Recipients

Jet Dixon

Taya Foster

Amelie Rawes-Ryan

Elijah Rieger

Pham Gia Loc Truong

Sophie Penberthy

Meg Beinssen

Ana Danciu

Harriette Lowe

Neve Payze

Susie Greco

Jake Pajer